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Institution’s Innovation Council

Dayananda Sagar College of engineering has established the Institution’s Innovation council (IIC) as per the guidelines of MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC) in the year 2020. The initiative was to create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem, start-up supporting mechanism, establish function ecosystem for scouting ideas and pre-incubation of ideas and to develop better cognitive ability for technology students.

Objective of IIC:

To conduct the various threshold activities throughout the year to generate the awareness, motivate and promote the innovation and enterpreneurship culture among students and faculty members in the campus.

Functions of IIC:

  • To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.
  • Organize idea competition with the involvement of industries.

Constitution of IIC Council

The first council meeting of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering was held on 03/12/2021. DSCE-IIC President Dr. A. R. Aswatha Discussed the the formulation and function of IIC & shared roles and responsibility among newly joined council members as per the guidelines of MHRD’s Innovation cell. DSCE Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) has representation of members from faculties, students and experts from regional ecosystem. The DSCE- IIC member’s details for the academic year 2021-2022 are as follows:

Faculty Representation:

Sl.No Name of Member Member Type (Teaching/ Nonteaching / External Expert) Key Role/ Position assigned in IIC
1 Dr. B G Prasad Principal Head of Institution
2 Dr. Suma V Vice Principal President
3 Dr. Ramaraju H K Vice Principal Member
4 Mr. M N Guruvenkatesh Vice President – Placements & Skill Development Centre Vice President
5 Dr. Vindhya P Malagi Professor Convener
6 Dr. Priya A Hoskeri Asst. Professor Start-up Activity & Innovation Activity Coordinator
7 Dr. C.M. Joseph Professor IPR Activity Coordinator
8 Dr. R. Keshavamurthy Professor Internship Activity Coordinator
9 Dr. Neethu Urs B A Asso. Professor Social Media Coordinator
10 Dr. Hareesha N G Professor ARIIA Coordinator
11 Dr. Vivek Bhandarkar V N Asst. Professor NIRF Coordinator
12 Dr. Vidya. C Asst. Professor Member
13 Dr. Naveen Asso. Professor Member
14 Dr. Nagaraj. J Asso. Professor Member
15 Dr. Shashi Raj. K Asst. Professor Member
16 Dr. Blessy Baby Mathew Asst. Professor Member
17 Dr.Rudresh M Asst. Professor Member

Expert Representation

Sl.No Name of Expert Designation and Organisation Details Key Role/ Position assigned in IIC
1 Mr. Shriyans Kumar Jain Co-Founder and director of Talentree India Start-up/ Entrepreneur
2 S. Kumar M.S Vice President – Technical & Operations TMI Systems, Bangalore Start-up/ Entrepreneur
3 A Shivakumar Director Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Start-up/ Entrepreneur

Student Representation

Student volunteers take this leadership role and offer coordination support to faculty leads for various activities in campus.

Sl.No Name of the Student Key Role / association with
1 Harsh Y Shihora IEDC and Innovation cell Student Coordinator
2 Sai Sri Nandan IEDC- Core Team, Innovation cell Student member
3 Shivang Chhajer IEDC- Core Team, Innovation cell Student member
4 Dheeraj Chandra IEDC- Core Team, Innovation cell Student member
5 Shivam Gupta Events Lead, Innovation cell Student member
6 Sarthak Sahu IEDC- Finance Lead, Innovation cell Student member
7 Dinesh A IEDC – Creative Lead, Innovation cell Student member
8 Vaibhav Raj IEDC – Outsourcing Lead, Innovation cell Student member
9 Anish Singhal IEDC – Events Representative, Innovation cell Student member
10 Ishika Daga IEDC – Design Representative, Innovation cell Student member
11 Nikhil Bhutra IEDC – Social Media Representative, Innovation cell Student member


Dr. B. G. Prasad


Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering

Bengaluru 560078

Email: ppl-dsce@dayanandasagar.edu

Dr. Suma V

Vice Principal

Professor and Head,

Computer Science and Design

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering

Bengaluru 560078

E-mail : hod-csd@dayanandasagar.edu

Contact Number : 9591076602

Dr. Vindhya P Malagi

Professor & Head,

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering

Bengaluru 560078

E-mail : hod-ai@dayanandasagar.edu

Contact Number : 9902933340